Thursday, May 3, 2012

What is a spiritual journey?

This inquiry is about how we define "spiritual journey," and what makes it different than just living life.
My experience now is that from recently being on the spiritual journey full-time, the distinction is beginning to blur. There's no essential difference between outside and inside, or between what my activities were before compared to now. Defining one's activities as being a "spiritual path or journey" carries the risk of developing a split identity, one of a spiritual seeker, and one of an ego-self. A "big I" and a little "I."
Yet - important! The fullest capacity of human beingness is to live fully in an awakened, enlightened state of awareness...mind at rest, unattached, and free of egoic suffering. Most people do not see that, care about it, or move through the illusion of experience to realize it in this lifetime.
Therefore, one does separate oneself out from the crowd by deepening awareness of beingness in a way that will result in realizing our true nature.
The challenge is to be on a spiritual journey fully, with heart and mind, as one integrated self, not splitting into the two identities of egoic self and spiritual self. This leads to stuck in a half-awakened state. I have experienced this, and many of my frioends and fellow seekers and some teachers have and are as well.
Call on the fullest and deepest honesty, integrity, courage, inquiry, and love from the great heart to transcend and avoid the stuckness of a half-awakened awareness.
Many lines of inquiry here - Adyashanti excels - inquiries should be mostly experiential, not academic.

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