Thursday, May 17, 2012

Is Advaita Vedanta obsolete?

It is time for this direct inquiry. 1) This school demands a formal master-student relationship, including surrender 2) The I AM philosophy and concept of a supreme self is core
The first doesn't work in the West, and the second is an erroneous teaching (see previous post).
Buddha took care of both of these problems.
Conclusion: Advaita should be dropped as a teaching in western culture. The basis for this is elaborated elsewhere.


  1. 1)Indeed: I would only sit with a Guru in Silence - I already have one mind -I dont need to hear another! hehe
    2)I am - I like it as an entrance point to meditation - that's all - it quietens the mind down to one thought -I am - but it's almost concentration not meditation(see my previous post comments)
    Should Advaita be dropped? -every little helps -the more spirituality that's out there , the better.
    I prefer Advaita Vedanta's "I am" more than Christianity's "You are a sinner"!!!

  2. Thanks for looking into this further. It's good to have one's own beliefs questioned; I'm doing that to others, so it should be done to me! It's also good to see where you agree, it's nice confirmation.
    I like that you would sit with a Gurur only in silence. I don't think I wrote about it, but I have found that sitting with a good "heart teacher" helps open and keep open my heart. I've had difficulty in the past doing that on my own.It seems to be the silent transmission, and doesn't matter if they don't have a lot of wise teachings to share, if the great heart is there:)
