Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Introduction to Inquiries About Awakening

Inquiries About Awakening is my new blog, and the working title for an idea for a new book. www.inquiriesawakening.blogspot.com

My present experience leads to constructing such a text as inquiry proceeds and evolves:
Topics will be selected as a natural falling out from types of questions. Questions can be arranged according to the topics.
  • Questions from: my inquiries; student's inquiries at satsangs; recorded inquiries; texts.
  • Answers: Teacher's at satsangs; teacher's recording; classic texts; my answers.
Example overview:
  • Select eg 20, or 50 "classic" or common spiritual inquiries.
  • List the source of inquiry - book, teacher, or me.
  • State initial answer from book, recording, or other.
  • State second answer from an authoritative source, eg classic text.
  • The third answer, mine.
Thought occurs, sounds like a lot of me! The concept is that this is a text about a personal inquiry, but is given some authority by placing my inquiry side-by-side with others that are more established. Ideally, that will lead to additional insights and investigation by others. Also, it is a work that can start now and be ongoing, growing organically and unfolding directly from the investigative process. Also, no need to put a flowery description of my awakening" less of me.
First steps: seeking questions from current material, including podast downloads, etc. Group questions according to broader categories. Match the answers.
Method: Use this blog, each post to present one question, with its three answers. Use the website to place the questions into categories and prepare to publish.
Project goal: 50 - 100 page text, 10 chapters/categories, 10-20 Qs/chapter? 6 months to 1 year?
References: The ones important to me; reader is challenged to find the answer from those important to him) Lankavatara, Nis, Ramana, Zen, etc; Adya, Gangaji, SMayi, Pamela, Bernie, Sherman, ?

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