Monday, March 26, 2012

Who am I - who are we?

We discussed the profundity of "who am I" in our self inquiry group yesterday. Comes thoughts and ideas, including mine about the answer being relative to the question.
My typical answer, "I am all that I am aware of in this present moment" is challenged; what is awareness, and who is aware? Etc, the familiar lines of inquiry. Soon, I'm pointing out the final assertion has been reached, but feeling as though it is a cop-out. But nobody can do any better. Are we hiding behind the mind? I am utter silence, and the unknown of the present moment, but even those words are erroneous, and the question you ask has fault because it causes the mind to divide. Exploring more answers: we are form manifested. Embodied truth. From where? From neither here nor there, and the form and the body are only an appearance as well. Still, what is the root answer to who are we? The answer could be said to be in unassertable silence.

1 comment:

  1. "I am Everything - We are Everything."
    This I think is pretty acurate (haha) but the verb 'to be' is there which sort of adds a slant to it. Perhaps mathematics could help thus:
    I = Everything, We = Everything.
    and from there we get
    I = We
    which is nice :))
