Thursday, March 29, 2012

Questions from I Am That by Nisargadatta

Here will go selected Qs (& As) from the electronic version.
Sample (from Ashley Mistry FB post):
mahadakash - is nature, the ocean of existences, the physical space with all that can be contacted through the senses.
chidakash - is the expanse of awareness, the mental space of time, perception & cognition.
paramakash - is the timeless & spaceless reality, mindfree, nondifferentiated, the infinite potentiality, the source & origin, the substance & the essence, both matter & consciousness, yet beyond both.
the main change was in the mind, it became motionless & silent, responding quickly but not perpetuating the response.
spontaneity became a way of life - the real became natural & the natural became real.
& above all, INFINITE AFFECTION, LOVE - dark & quiet, radiating in all directions, embracing all, making all interesting & beautiful, significant & auspicious.

Questioner: I don't have the capacity to accept what Maharaj has given me.
M: If you don't think you have the capacity, then you can go elsewhere. I am not concerned with any state which is temporary. This consciousness state is not of my choosing. The sooner it goes the better. Once it is known what is temporary and what one's original state is, no further knowledge is needed. As soon as consciousness stirred, space and time came. It has a time limit. In this space-time
everyone suffers, so why should I accept this suffering as something unique? I was always in that blissful, complete, total state; suddenly I am in this imperfect state. Those who have apperceived my knowledge will not fall a prey to the logic or spirituality expounded by others. I dare to say to any scholar who considers himself full of wisdom, that when he was being born I was watching his birth from a corner. Would you accept this?
Q: Yes. Why did consciousness arise at all?
M: Hang on to this consciousness which has come and it will explain why it arose without cause. No one else can explain to you why and how it arose.
It is the manifest consciousness which is continuously talking, I am not talking. How does the language emerge? Is it because of your efforts?
If you grasp the essence of the talks which I am giving, you will illuminate the world. Those people who run about from place to place aimlessly will gather nothing. What is that you are after? Eknath, a country sage who has written wonderful poems, said, "I am stung by a scorpion!" What is that sting? It is the consciousness. This knowingness is the scorpion which is giving me all the pain in the form of various experiences and concepts. I am telling you with the authority of a jnani, everything is unreal. This is all the play due to your consciousness, and your consciousness is due to the food essence body.
Q: I am grateful to my body which has brought me here.
M: You have come here just to commit suicide.

FROM ASHLEY - Vedas talk upto the point of Pure " I Am ", and successively negate everything learned at each step completely. Brahman , satchitananda, self knowledge are just names. Mixed with the activity , modifications of the world. Absolute is beyound all. No words can reach it.Beyound consciousness, awareness,etc.
JOEL resp - We cannot have neagating without it's opposite: asserting. We cannot know that we are not, because it is unknowable. The truth that we can put in words is that nothing is missing, nothing is here that isn't supposed to be here, and none of that is ultimate Truth.

1 comment:

  1. "I am That" to me means "Everything is in my imagination". Most people see sleeping dreams as a reality of their own creation no matter what joys ,horrors, people, surprises or scenarios occur there. If I see the waking world realty in the same manner - suddenly it all makes sense!
    And suddenly from here I can assert or negate or deny or confirm anything I like -it doesn't really matter :)
